"Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes..”
I laughed as I hummed this line from a favourite in my Holiday Season movie lineup, The Sound of Music, as it played in the grocery. Immediately it filled me with a feeling of child-like wonder and glee; a freedom of spirit, a willingness to play, to laugh, to be silly … and to sing about my favourite things.
Sometimes in midst of the long lists, the pressing need, the anxiety of the world, and the tyranny of perfection, it is hard to remember that levity is a part of living a balanced life.
Joy is a part of gratitude.
This month we are going to awaken our beginner's mind, stop taking ourselves so seriously, reconnect to our willingness to play and gift ourselves time to delight in the wonder of being together. I look forward to playing with you.
“Smiling is mouth Yoga.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh